Terms Of Delivery
• Mixdown of your track, WAV or AIFF, in 24 bit or higher
• No dynamic plugins on the master bus (compressors, limiters, maximizers)
• -6db peak level (the loudest point of your mixdown should not exceed this level)
• Short filenames to prevent confusion (for example ‘Track X (final mixdown).wav’
• Double check your mixdown before sending it
• If radio edit is provided, this has to be the exact same mixdown as the extended version
• Any reference files or track titles are welcome, so we know what you prefer

Stem Mastering
• A max. of 6 stems in WAV or AIFF, in 24 bit or higher
• We prefer reverbs on a seperate bus
• No dynamic plugins on the master bus (compressors, limiters, maximizers)
• -6db peak level (the loudest point of your total mixdown should not exceed this level)
• Short filenames to prevent confusion (for example: ‘Bass.wav, Drums.wav, Vocals.wav’)
• Double check your stems before sending them! We are not responsible for clicks, pops, or any other errors that might be present in the stems
• If radio edit is provided, we prefer to have these on the same stems. If this is not possible, then they should have the exact same filenames as the extended version (for example: Bass.wav and Bass (radio edit).wav
• Any reference files or track titles are welcome, so we know what you prefer
• Unlimited amount of WAV or AIFF audiotracks, in 24 bit or higher
• No reverb/delay (unless you use them as creative effects)
• No dynamic plugins on the master bus (compressors, limiters, maximizers)
• -6db peak level (the loudest point of your total mixdown should not exceed this level)
• Short filenames to prevent confusion (for example: ‘Clap.wav, Snare.wav, Vocals.wav’)
• Double check your audiotracks before sending them! We are not responsible for clicks, pops, or any other errors that might be present in the stems
• When audiotracks were grouped in your production, please make sure they sound the same when you deliver them to us. Sometimes it’s better to leave things grouped if they form a cohesive sound
• If a radio edit is provided, we prefer to have these on the same audiotrack. If this is not possible, then they should have the exact same filenames as the extended version (for example: Bass.wav and Bass (radio edit).wav)